Bill my man, I received my book today.....yet another beaut from you!! I truly appreciate all the books I have purchased through you now. I will keep doing so as long as you keep locating these gems and listing them with these prices!! You are a one stop shop for me and my 9.4+ GK & Dell collecting tastes!! Always a pleasure doing "funny book business" with you. Hope you and the brood are all doing well and enjoying the rest of summer. Thank-you Good Sir!!
Sincerely, Eric TCGC Board member icculus308win Hey Bill I wanted to thank you for your assistance in finding and putting together that last poster deal. Over the years you have been very helpful in finding an ocassional gem for my collection. Thank you for your professionalism and for your assistance in poster collecting. Sincerely, Jim Gresham
I wanted to share a heartfelt thanks for everything that you have done for me. I've found you to be the fairest and most professional person in the comic book field. You've helped me realize top dollar on a lot of my key books. Additionally, you've shown me the clear advantages of grading with CGC. Something I was always hesitant to consider. Your payments were always made on time and you were even kind enough to front money before the sales were complete. I don't know of anyone else who would do that. But above and beyond being the best in the business, your kindness, concern and sincerity knows no compare. I feel very blessed to have met you and would highly recommend your services to anyone who is considering selling or consigning their cherished collectibles.
Best always, Eric Kraus
Hello Bill. I just wanted to touch base to say thanks again for a wonderful consignment experience with you. As you recall, you got phenomenal prices for my high-grade bronze-age books, much better than I realized in other auctions that I've tried in the past. I really appreciate the quick payment and your attention to detail as well! In my book you're the best in the biz! Keep up the good work. God bless, Frank Simmons
Hi Bill, From one old time dealer to another, I have the utmost regard for your integrity and honesty in all your dealings with me. I started collecting comics in 1954 and became a part time dealer in 1967 and a full time dealer in 1983. I have had contact with all the major dealers but none can match you in reliablilty, fairness, and being trustworthy. You have the best reputation of any dealer that I know. I plan to have a long time relationship with you in the comic book business with many good years ahead of us. I highly recommend you to any collector who wants to find a dealer that he can depend on for the best deals and service. Calvin Slobodian International Comic Book Co.
To Whomever: I have been buying and selling comics and comic related material with Bill Hughes for several years. He is a man of his word and works extremely hard to satisfy his clients. Payment has always been prompt. In addition, I had the pleasure of working in person with Bill last year and have the highest regard for him. Dr. G. Berkowitz, Chicago
Hello Bill The Bullitt window card arrived in great shape and was very well packed. Thank you very much for all your communication, help and a first rate service! Andrew
Mr. Hughes; I have just sent payment via Paypal. Just wanted to let you know how much fun I had with your auctions... wish I had been hip to your services before, as it appears that I missed a couple of FMs in the recent past. Thanks for helping us collectors upgrade our collections... I shall be keeping a closer eye on your website in the future! Kenwick Cook
Hey Bill, Just a quick note to let you know that the other books arrived safely. Thanks ! Also want to thank you Bill from one collector to another for the accurate grading on the two raw Journey into Mystery books that I bought from you. That gives me confidence to buy more raw books from you. Best, Charles Bond
Dear Bill, I would like to congratulate you on this wonderful concept that you had of listing the books in your auction and starting them out at the minimum price that the seller will accept. This concept is pure genius! This makes it where as soon you get a bid from a buyer you can rest easy knowing not only that your book is sold, but that any other bid that you get is pure gravy. You don't know how many times I've had books listed with a low starting point at other auctions and no reserve and lost my shirt on the deal. That had started me to sour on the hobby. Now thanks to you with this idea and your A-1 customer service, the little guy has a chance. LIFE IS GOOD! Take care my friend. Todd Givans To anyone who has ever wanted to purchase fine collectibles in the field of comics, sports and movie posters, I can't imagine dealing with a better person than Bill Hughes. I've been dealing with Bill since 1993 and I can honestly say that my collection as well as my own personal well-being have vastly improved due to our continuing professional and personal relationship. Bill is truly one of the best people in the hobby and is a proven winner. When you're dealing with the best, why go elsewhere?
Ron Moore Cinema Icons
To anyone who is not acquainted with Bill Hughes, you should know that once you start to do business with him, you won't want to deal with anyone else. His personal touch, enthusiasm, and great memory for customer preferences and dislikes stem from the fact that he's a collector at heart, not just a merchant, so he has a deep understanding of the motives and challenges of collecting. Bill doesn't just want to get to know you for the sake of a business relationship; he wants to know you as a person to get a feeling for what you want, and he'll make a serious effort to help you get it. I've never dealt with anyone so courteous, professional, and simply refreshing to do business with.
If you're looking for total honesty, integrity, and customer service, buy from Bill Hughes.
Jason Kindree
Hello Bill,
I just wanted to thank you once more, and let you know that I have received this item. Everything was perfect, (the book, the shipping, the packing, etc...) your passion for this hobby really shined through. This has been a great pleasure for me, and I eagerly look forward to my next purchase through you.
thanks again, mike shaban p.s. - your catalog is beautiful.
Bill, Just got the book minutes ago and its GREAT !!!! Your the best thanks so much.
Bill, I received the book today and it's better than advertised. I am very pleased and very grateful. Thank you once again. Hope to complete more deals in the future.
Best, Prashant Grover
As I approach my 30th year in the comic book hobby, it's crystal clear that Bill Hughes is one of the fairest, most reputable, and easiest to deal with individuals that I have encountered. Plus, he is the hardest working fellow that I know! I wouldn't hesitate to conduct any type of transaction with Bill, regardless of how big or how small, regardless if it be a purchase or sale.
Yes, he's that good folks! I only wish there were more like him in the hobby! Steve Carey Burbank, CA
Bill Hughes' broad base of contacts and extensive knowledge within various collectibles fields are a along established given, but his courtesy and diligence in going the distance to attempt a deal is what truly characterizes business with him.
Gerard Pallares
Hi Bill, received the X-Men #58 today & wow, what a beautiful, glossy, perfectly centered copy, exactly what I've been looking for over a decade! Thanks again for a very professional & courteous sale! Greatly appreciated!
Take care - Court
Dear Bill, I just wanted to let you know that I have truly appreciated doing business with you over the years. Having been in the collectibles market myself for over 30 years, I have found that my dealings with you have been some of the more enjoyable times. Your honesty, integrity and candor has made these dealings with you a pleasure. You are truly the definition of what a collectibles dealer is and I can say that about only a handful of the people that I have met in the hobby. Thank you again Bill, for all the great past, and the future deals to come. Yours very truly, Nathan Rose
Bill Hughes is a well known and highly respected trading partner. In all of our dealings, he has demonstrated himself to be knowledgeable, thorough and forthright. He has shown a keen appreciation for collectibles and collectors, and as a result it has always been enjoyable doing business with him.
John K. Snyder President Diamond International Galleries
To William Hughes – Thank you for your continued business supporting the CGC magazine market. It’s truly a pleasure dealing with such a courteous customer.
Regards, Phil A. Flor
Bill, just a quick note to say how pleased I was with our latest deal. Everything arrived in perfect order and in record time. Keep up the great work!
Best, Dave Anderson
To Whom It May Concern: I would like to take a moment to share with you something of my experiences and respect for Bill Hughes of William Hughes’ Vintage Collectables. It was only somewhat recently that I first had the pleasure of becoming acquainted with Bill. I do some buying, selling and brokerage of vintage movie posters and was looking for some very high end Universal horror for several clients of mine. Bill was running an advertisement in the June (2004) issue of Movie Collector’s World in an effort to buy some of the same pieces that I was looking for. I wrote Bill in the hopes that he might have been successful in acquiring some duplicates and that he would have what I needed. Bill was very quick to respond and inside of a week, we had put together our first deal; that being the sale of a “Son of Dracula” insert poster that one of my best clients had been wanting. In no time at all, Bill and I were working together on a potential sale of one of the all time greatest and rarest horror movie posters in existence. Bill had the poster and I had been working with a buyer who I knew would be interested. That deal is done now and at a price approaching a quarter of a million dollars. It was a new record for the title. In working with Bill, I quickly realized that he is truly a gentleman and a professional in every sense of the word. Bill is very knowledgeable of movie posters, and he has a keen sense of the industry market, and movie poster values. A couple of other things; Bill is a very capable deal maker who shoots straight from the hip and goes above and beyond the expected. He has realistic expectations and a gift for bringing about a win/win deal where everyone walks away at the end of the transaction feeling like they got what they wanted. Bill will always hold my highest regards and I will always look forward to opportunities of working with him. I would highly recommend the services of William Hughes’ Vintage Collectables to anyone. Sincerely, Bryan K. Gilpin Great Uncle Heron’s Silver Screen Movie Posters
Thanks Bill, Super shipping and packaging, Super Guy, Super Class Act! Very, very satisfied and pleased there are still people like you in the world. Will deal again with you sooner than later. Michael Ruiz
My most cherished comic books were purchased through Bill Hughes, one of the fairest, most reasonable dealers in the marketplace today. Always a pleasure to deal with and has the highest professional standards. A Five-Star General of the Comic Book industry.
Rob Hughes Arch Angels
Hey Comic Collectors, I wanted to tell you about a company called ‘Vintage Collectables’, established in whole by William Hughes. Bill has been a great friend to me, in addition to being an extremely helpful business comrade in the comic book field. I rarely endorse others in our hobby, because after 37 years in this business, I’ve come to realize many improprieties that exist. Bill’s work ethics are the most incredible I’ve ever seen. In fact, I couldn’t keep up with him if I tried. I become exhausted just listening to the amount of hours he puts day in and day out! Though it is well known that I am not a CGC proponent, Bill introduced me to that wing of the comic book business with his tireless efforts while amassing many of the genre’s most historic auctions, including two for Greg Manning and Jay Parrino that each featured a large chunk of the famed Bethlehem collection, and my own Massachusetts collection, both realizing record prices, which to this day (December, 2004) have yet to be surpassed! In fact, these two auctions were the very first in the hobby to feature all CGC certified books! From comic books to Hollywood Posters to Sports Memorabilia, Bill has always been in the thick of things and ‘Vintage Collectables’ will offer more of this same great material I’m sure. More important than anything else is customer service, and if you haven’t done business with him in the past, I urge you to give him a try, as you will find superlative and honest customer service, and unlike most dealers in the hobby, a No-Return policy will never be forced down your throat! Thank you, Marnin Rosenberg